other than a few great tables from craigslist, a fake fireplace, my jewelry, books, magazines, and a few other little things that i love, my little dwelling needs a lot of work. the place is wall to wall hideous carpet, there are no shelves in the "pantry," so all my food is on the windowsill, and there are drop ceilings. i didn't include a picture of those, because it's just too painful.
there's not enough room for my clothes and shoes, so soon all this crap may be homeless...
there's not enough room for my clothes and shoes, so soon all this crap may be homeless...
my mission in 2009 is to make this place better than just livable on a verrry tight budget. pretty soon i'll have a lot more time than money. maybe i can film the process and strike a deal with tlc or hgtv!
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